I got Ken Layne's new CD in the mail on Monday and have been able to listen to it a couple times now. It's great stuff. I think my favorite song is Monkey Cup for obvious reasons, but I'm sure that will change. I'm also quite partial to Baloon Town. I would describe the music as sort of a Tom Waits/Beck/Stones/Bukowski mix. I thought that Whatcha' Namin' That Baby? might be on the CD, but I guess I'll have to wait for the DVD compilation for that one. Take a look at Ken's music page to hear some samples and then order one for yourself.
posted by Greg 11:09 AM
Yes, I've started another blog. This one is to document a new recording project I'm doing. If you're interested in that sort of thing, start with the first post and scroll up.
posted by Greg 11:26 AM
Aunt Kelli came over for my fish tacos tonight and got in some quality Sean time.
Above is a small painting (7.5 x 11.75 inches) of the sunset which I recently completed. It was one of my first experiments utilizing the golden mean. Bellow is a painting of a peach with one leaf, an image which artists in the past have used to symbolize truth. The peach represents the heart and the leaf represents the tounge, which when united speak the truth.
So here's the picture of us almost getting hit by the home run. As you can see, Molli ran away, while I stayed and made sure it wasn't going to hit Sean. Tony and Ken were trying to protect Tony's camera, and not spill their cokes. Charlie and Bonnie were also trying not to get hit.
Tony brought his glove to the game for just such and occassion, but alas he didn't have it on. It was strange watching it come in. It took a few seconds, and when it got close you could see the laces and the spin. Somehow I could tell it wasn't coming at me, but I was more concerned about people trying to jump over me. As it happened it hit the seat between Tony and Ken and then the back of their seat and bounced back onto the field. Ken Immediately started reaching for Tony's camera behind his seat (where he thought it was) and everyone behind him thought he was looking for the ball. A small feeding frenzy ensued for about 5 seconds before I said, hey, it bounced back into the field. Needless to say, I'm bringing my glove next time I sit in the bleachers.
posted by Greg 7:14 PM
Saturday, August 09, 2003
Tony (pictured bellow) was nice enough to take the family to Dodger Stadium tonight to watch the Dodgers beat his Cubs. Thanks Tone! (Watch the highlights - you can see us almost get hit by the Dodger's home run.)
Congradulations to Tony for his collumn on the Fox Sports New England site. It's a site for Red Sox fans and Tony's doing a guest spot. It's about Babe Ruth and other baseball stuff. Go read it.
posted by Greg 8:49 AM
When the postman delivered the letter It filled her dear heart full of joy But she din't know 'til she read the inside It was the last one from her darling boy
"Dear Mom," was the way that it started "I miss you so much," it went on "And, Mom, I didn't know that I loved you so But I'll prove it when this war is won"
"I'm writing this down in a trench, Mom So don't scold if it isn't so neat For you know as you did, when I was a kid And would come home with mud on my feet"
"The captain just gave us our orders And mom we will carry them through I'll finish this letter the first chance I get But for now I'll just say I love you"
Then the mother's old hands began to tremble As she fought against tears in her eyes But they came unashamed, there was no name And she knew that her darlin' had died
That night as she knelt down by her bedside She prayed, "Lord above, hear my plea Protect all the sons who are fighting tonight And dear God keep America free"
posted by Greg 2:31 PM
Gangs of New York (2002) - Eh - I was really looking forward to this movie but was very dissappointed. The set design, costumes, and photography are great, but everything else just feels wrong. As soon as you're introduced to the characters you can tell where the story is going to go with them, and I didn't believe the relationships. The strange music took me out of the pictures several times as well. Then there's the ending, which is a completely implausible mess. Either do a movie about the draft riots or a movie about Five Points gangs, but don't try to cram them both into the last act.
T3 - The Rise of the Machines (2003) - Good Good - This movie plays as an action comedy, and seen that way it's pretty good. Arnold gets many laughs with his deadpan bot-speak. The stunts are amazing and come with such frequency that it's hard to get distracted by the story. I was hoping for more of the man-machine war shown in the previews, but oh well.
PS: Does anyone know where my white jazz bass is? I think I leant it to someone but I've forgotten who.
posted by Greg 2:00 PM